Equipping Leaders To Multiply

My Team isn’t Doing What I Ask Them to Do!

As I browsed through the Business Leadership section at a Barnes & Noble Bookstore, a book title caught my eye and stopped me in my tracks. “Why Employees Don’t Do What They’re Supposed to Do and What to do About It” by Ferdinand Fournies. I was a 29-year-old leader who only had volunteer leaders reporting to me, but the book title described the pain I was feeling. I immediately bought the book, took it home, and…Continue Reading

Leadership Development for Your Staff

Mike got into student ministry because he loved Jesus, loved teenagers, and wanted to disciple students to live Christ-centered lives. As he stood before his group of volunteer leaders with a handful of weighty ministry decisions and the people in the room waiting for him to lead, he wondered how he went from his simple vision for serving as a youth pastor to the weight he felt of leading a team. The one thing he…Continue Reading

Jumpstart Your 2022 Leadership Development

Lifeway Research conducted a survey with pastors in 2021 to discover what they see as their most pressing needs in their churches today. Can you guess the #1 issue that was identified by the majority of pastors? It was leadership development that came in at the top of the list with 77% identifying it as their number one issue that is concerning them. (Click here to view the full article from Lifeway.) While that is…Continue Reading

Leading from the Overflow

To LEAD from a PLACE of overflow, you have to live from the PRACTICE of intake. Daily leading is draining. If we are not careful, the demand to continually give and serve others can leave us empty. And, an empty leader is not a healthy leader. I’ve never been able to make wise decisions, manage my emotions, or lead with pure motives when my soul is on E. It fascinates me that Jesus said, “My…Continue Reading

I’m Sorry

“I’m sorry.” There’s great power in those two words. They can radically change a relationship, restore trust and heal wounds. But only if they are said with a spirit of authenticity. If you want to be proficient in delivering an apology, first think about what it feels like to receive an apology.  Not all apologies carry the same weight. Some say, “I’m sorry,” only because they were caught, to get someone off their back, or…Continue Reading