Equipping Leaders To Multiply

Vision: I said it, Got it?

Isn’t it frustrating when people don’t get your vision.  You share it eloquently, convincingly and passionately yet within 24 hours someone asks you a question or makes a statement that indicates they just didn’t get it. Being a visionary is patient business.  However the irony is most visionaries aren’t patient people.  I was struck with this truth recently when I was having lunch with a staff person who said, “You know you’ve been talking about…Continue Reading

Cast Vision Everyday #visiondrip

Leaders use vision to move people to action, but too often the very vision that inspired people gets pushed aside in the busyness of day to day activities.  I’ve heard Andy Stanley say, “Vision leaks”.  It’s true and that’s why we as leaders must find ways to daily reinforce our vision.  Will Mancini, my social media friend, in an effort to help all of us find ways to reinforce our vision has started an Open Source Vision Casting Twub (info…Continue Reading

The Six Stages of a Vision

Now that we’re three weeks into the new year vision architects are busy assembling the pieces they need to build their God-given dream.  Plans are unfolding, resources being gathered, teams mobilized and undoubtedly somewhere in the near future roadblocks will be hit.  That’s why it’s important for the leader to understand the stages of a vision.  When you understand the different phases of vision then you’re able to respond with wisdom and maturity when you…Continue Reading

Battle for the Blessing

As I pursue the God given vision that’s on my heart there are times I find myself getting discouraged. I love thinking about the future…imagining possibilities. That’s what vision is…seeing tomorrow’s possibilities today. But turning vision into reality is not always easy. I was reading Deuteronomy 1:8 today and was struck by the very first word of the verse “LOOK”. Moses says, “Look, the Lord your God has set the land before you.”   He was…Continue Reading

Four Lessons for Raising Commitment Level, Pt 2

In 1983 Steve Jobs, Co-founder of Apple, sat with John Scully, the CEO of Pepsi, and challenged him with this question: “Scully do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugar water or do you want to change the world?”   That question caused Scully to leave Pepsi and serve as CEO of Apple for the next ten years.  Jesus laid down a similar challenge to a man he encountered on the road…Continue Reading