Equipping Leaders To Multiply

Who are Your Top 10%

I was doodling on a legal pad on a flight back from Chicago when I found myself drawing out a church’s organizational structure (yeah, I know most people doodle stick men…I doodle org charts).  As I was looking at the structure and the names in those boxes a flood of questions hit me. How old are the top 10% of the leaders? How many of the 10% are over 40 years of age? Who are…Continue Reading

What Will You be 5 Years from Now?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Let’s make a deal. I’ll give you $100 if you stop brushing your teeth for the next five years. No? Okay, how about $1000? It’s unlikely there is an amount of money I could give you to stop brushing your teeth. Lousy breath aside, you don’t want the cavities, gingivitis, and the whole host of other problems not brushing your teeth would produce. Dental hygiene aside, what type of person do you want to…Continue Reading

Don’t be “Stupid”

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Why is it when we can’t get it all done, we default to adding hours to our work week? Hitting the “can’t get it all done” point should lead us to evaluate our schedule, not extend our hours. Jason Fried, the co-founder of 37Signals, says, ‘Long hours, excessive busyness, and lack of sleep have become a badge of honor for many people these days. Sustained exhaustion is not a badge of honor; it’s a…Continue Reading

Get a Great Start on Your 2021 Goals

When I was a Dallas Seminary student, Dr. Howard Hendricks had us write 1, 5, 10, and 20-year goals for our lives. It was a difficult assignment, but one of the most practical of my seminary career. I used that 12-page document as a guide for my life for many years following seminary.  Hendricks told us, “Show me a man with a set of well-defined goals, and I’ll show you a man on his way…Continue Reading

Do You Have a Testimony?

Why is your staff not developing leaders? It could be a lack of skill or know-how. It could be pride or laziness.  Regardless of what the cause seems to be, the root of the problem is a lack of conviction. Conviction leads to action. If a staff member has a conviction that leadership development works, they will do it. But if they lack the conviction, they will not take action to develop others. This is…Continue Reading