Equipping Leaders To Multiply

More Money for Ministry

Has today’s economy put a squeeze on your church budget?  Do you find yourself reducing costs, cutting staff or stressed over making the monthly budget?  Are you questioning how you’re going to get more money for ministry?  Well, LAUNCH wants to help you find answers.  On Monday December 6 we will be hosting our first Whiteboard session entitled, More Money for Ministry, featuring Casey Graham of The Change Group.  During this two hour highly interactive…Continue Reading

Be Unreasonable

Have you ever had someone tell you “don’t be unreasonable”?  Unreasonable is “bad” right? It means you’re unwilling to compromise, your standards are too high or your expectations are out of alignment with reality.  Unreasonable leaders can be a pain. But unreasonable leaders can also produce outstanding results. Who says unreasonable always has to be qualified as “bad”?  Not wanting to be “unreasonable” we’re tempted to accept excuses, allow compromise, ignore mediocrity or settle for…Continue Reading

The Small Matter of Management

As leaders we consider a management position to be a big matter…and it is.  But it’s the small daily interactions that make a big difference and determine the greatness of our management. The way we manage matters not only to the organization but more importantly matters to the individual.  Management is made up of our small daily interactions: the words we say, decisions we make, responses we give, level of responsibility we share and accountability…Continue Reading

Meetings as Investments

How effective are your meetings?  If your meetings feel unproductive perhaps it’s time to count what those meetings are costing you. Most people look at meetings as a waste of time, and too often they are.  But unproductive meetings are not only a waste of time but a waste of money as well. Imagine for a moment that you have a one hour meeting each week with seven of your employees.  Of those seven, one…Continue Reading

Passion for Leadership Development

Someone asked me the other day, “Why are you so passionate about leadership development?”  That’s a good question; I guess I’ve never thought about the “why”. Here’s what I told them, “I’m passionate about leadership development because…” Jesus was passionate about it.  He took three years to pour into 12 men.  Yes, it was discipleship- he taught them how to pray, forgive, share their faith, understand Scripture and more.  But it was more than that.…Continue Reading