Equipping Leaders To Multiply

Breaking the discipline – habit barrier

I used to tell my kids discipline is doing that which you don’t want to do in order to become what you want to become. Getting your children to be disciplined is a hard sell. It’s not just a hard sell for kids it’s a hard sell for adults as well. Solomon says in Proverbs 25:28 “like a city whose walls are broken through is the person who lacks self-control.” I don’t know anyone who…Continue Reading

The Final Word on Forgiveness

We started a new series at West Ridge Church yesterday titled “The Last Words”.  I had the opportunity to kickoff the series teaching on Luke 23:34 “Jesus said, ‘Father forgive them for them know not what they do.” When someone offends, betrays or hurts you there’s something deep within you that screams, “I can’t let them get by with this.” Your blood begins to boil and you think, “I didn’t do anything to deserve this.…Continue Reading

The Be With Factor of Mentoring

 I’ve said it for years, “Leadership development is best done in the context of relationships”. I honestly believe if we neglect the “be with” element of leadership development we will not be effective at developing high quality leaders.  Why?  Because we can teach someone a leadership principle in a class setting and lodge it in their mind.  But it’s only through relationship with another leader they get to see that principle lived out in real life…Continue Reading

Top 10 Posts of 2010 – #10 Feedback

Four Types of Feedback Many leaders don’t feel comfortable or confident when it comes to giving performance feedback. You may not believe this but you’re probably better at it than you think. There are four types of feedback and chances are you’re good at one if not more. The odds of improving your ability to give feedback improve dramatically when you understand all four types. ENCOURAGEMENT – Often we don’t think of encouragement as being a form…Continue Reading

Top 10 Posts of 2010 – #7 Soul Care

The Soul of Your Leaders Spiritual leadership isn’t just about accomplishing God given results, it’s also about caring for the souls of those we lead along the way.  As leaders we are accustomed to meeting with our direct reports and talking to them about action plans, priorities and results, but we often neglect talking to them about the condition of their soul.    While we don’t have to be their spiritual accountability partner or best friend it’s…Continue Reading