Equipping Leaders To Multiply

How to Lead Authentically

A Pastor’s Guide to Healthy Transparency Leadership is often associated with strength, confidence, and authority. However, vulnerability is a trait that should not be overlooked in leadership. Vulnerability can help leaders build stronger relationships with their team members, foster trust and authenticity, and create a more positive and supportive work environment. This is particularly important in the context of the church, if leaders desire to cultivate leaders who multiply with impact.  In this blog, we…Continue Reading

5 Reasons You Have No Time

How many times a week do you find yourself saying, “I don’t have time?”  I don’t have time. Think about that statement. It’s not true. You do have 1440 units (minutes) of it every day.  Time management is a myth. You can’t manage time. It’s a fixed commodity. There’s only self-management: how I handle myself during the time God has allotted to me. So if I catch myself saying, “I don’t have time.” It’s an…Continue Reading

What Will You be 5 Years from Now?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Let’s make a deal. I’ll give you $100 if you stop brushing your teeth for the next five years. No? Okay, how about $1000? It’s unlikely there is an amount of money I could give you to stop brushing your teeth. Lousy breath aside, you don’t want the cavities, gingivitis, and the whole host of other problems not brushing your teeth would produce. Dental hygiene aside, what type of person do you want to…Continue Reading