Equipping Leaders To Multiply

Five Tips for Getting Better Faster

Do you ever find yourself wanting to get better at a skill, ability or talent, but you can’t seem to make any progress? You don’t have to struggle your way blindly through mediocrity there are actually things you can do to get better faster. Here are five tips that might help. Tip #1. Exposure -Get exposure to experts I just finished reading Steal like an Artist by Austin Kleon. (Check out his TED Talk)  …Continue Reading

Get Around Big People

If you want to grow bigger in your character or leadership competency one of the best things you can do is get around big people. A big person is someone who’s character you admire.  It’s someone who’s had bigger experience than you, bigger success than you, bigger ideas than you and a bigger network than you. It’s someone who has a bigger company than yours, bigger team than yours, bigger influence than yours and a bigger…Continue Reading

Are You Being Honest with Yourself?

Integrity is essential for leadership credibility.  And for many leaders the starting point of losing integrity is when they stop being honest with themselves.   When you lead an organization, team or church all eyes are on you. The success and progress of your organization is strangely intertwined with your significance and self-esteem. This is what makes it difficult for us to be honest with ourselves. There are times when things are not going as…Continue Reading

Pay the Price for Growth

I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who doesn’t have a desire to grow. We know that growth increases our sense of joy and contentment. It increases our self-confidence and sharpens decision making. And it produces a depth of wisdom and understanding that impact the quality of our relationships.  With all these benefits who wouldn’t want to grow?

The Hazard of Learning

I love to learn but I’ve discovered there’s a real nuisance that accompanies acquiring new insights.  Think about the trouble it causes. When you read a book, listen to a podcast or attend a conference you’re exposed to other people’s experiences and success.  When you’re exposed to other people’s experiences and success it stirs new ways of thinking. When you’re stirred to new ways of thinking it generates new ideas in your mind.  When new ideas are…Continue Reading