Equipping Leaders To Multiply

Six Conversations Leaders Need to Have

You interact with your staff everyday, you pass them in the halls, you pop into their office or even go to lunch together on occasion.  But how intentional are those interactions?  Intentional interactions with those we lead create development opportunities that increase their leadership productivity.  But too often leaders neglect meeting with the individuals on their team because they dont know what to talk about.  So  here are six conversations you need to have with the individuals on your team.  I’ll write more…Continue Reading

Leadership Point of View

One of the individuals that has shaped my leadership point of view more than anyone else is Ken Blanchard. His books have had an enormous impact on the way I think about leadership and the way I lead. If I could recommend one book to shape a leaders point of view it would be Blanchard’s Leadership and the One Minute Manager.  In this 2 minute video Blanchard talks about developing your leadership point of view.…Continue Reading

Leadership Wisdom

Here’s a sobering thought:  The reputation of our leadership will be determined by the wisdom of our decisions.   Leadership requires constant decision making.  Leaders will make mistakes but wisdom will guide your response to those mistakes.  Leaders will face difficult situations but wisdom will provide clarity of thinking and discernment.  Leaders will be pressured to do what is popular but wisdom will steer a leader toward godly convictions.  Wisdom guards the path of the leader…Continue Reading

Model Leader – John Brunette

Last week I had the opportunity to spend two days with John Brunette and the staff of Faith Lutheran Church in St. Louis, Missouri.    While many Lutheran Churches are experiencing decline, Faith is experiencing steady growth.  And once there it is easy for me to see why.  Here are just a couple of take aways from my time with John: Never stop learning.  I was so impressed with the hunger of this staff, they were attentive,  inquisitive, and asked challenging…Continue Reading

“Real” Leadership

I want to follow a leader that’s real, don’t you?  When a leader pretends to have it all together I tend to shut them off.  That leader may be gifted, love God and have a great vision but the lack of authenticity can limit their ability to connect with and lead others.  In 2 Timothy 1:5 Paul commended Timothy for his authenticity when he wrote, “I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in…Continue Reading