Equipping Leaders To Multiply

How to WIN the day

The primary filter for how we invest time is the mission God has given us. Years ago, God made clear that the mission of my life boiled down to two words: Multiplying multipliers. If I use my time doing activities that don’t contribute to that mission, I’m being a poor steward of God’s calling on my life.  This can be a challenge for many people in ministry. The strong pull to love and serve people…Continue Reading

Is Your Staff on the Verge of Burnout?

The COVID 19 Virus has disrupted not just the way we do church, but the way church leaders do their job.  In the past few months, church leaders have spent countless hours planning new strategies, figuring out unfamiliar technologies, inputting new safety standards and making personal calls to church members. You keep thinking, “When will things return to normal?”  But so far, they haven’t.  I’ve spoken with many staff who tell me their job has…Continue Reading

10 Questions to Stimulate Your Growth

Great questions stimulate greater thinking, ideas, motivation, and ultimately personal growth. Here are ten questions that will help you grow in your leadership.  What 5 books should I read in the remainder of the year? (Here are 5 I recommend taking a new employee through https://bit.ly/3bhKwlm) Who are 3 leaders I can meet with and learn from? (What are 10 questions I will ask them?) What 5 companies, churches or organizations should I be learning…Continue Reading

Opportunity Knocks

Knock, knock? Who’s there? Opportunity. Opportunity who? My typical response when opportunity knocks is to ask questions, lots of questions.  Why? Because I’m always suspicious of opportunity. It can fool you. Often it comes disguised in “get rich quick” clothing. So yes, we have to be cautious. Chasing the wrong opportunity will cost you time, energy, credibility, and money.  You don’t have to open the door to every opportunity, but you don’t want to miss…Continue Reading

Leadership is a Tricky Dance

You can have a position of leadership, act like a leader but not be leading. Leadership happens when the actions you take and the decisions you make affect positive movement. If you are “doing” and “deciding”, but things around you are not moving, you’re not leading. Leading requires knowing the preferred future, identifying the current reality, making tough decisions, aligning people, and moving the team forward together. That’s a dance that requires training and practice. …Continue Reading