Equipping Leaders To Multiply

What it Takes to Get Leadership Wisdom

Finding yourself making a lot of mistakes?  Getting a lot of resistance to your leadership?  Frustrated by a lack of progress?  Perhaps you need a good dose of leadership wisdom.  It’s easy to fall into the trap of being a busy leader rather than a discerning leader.   Solomon reminds us, “Know also that wisdom is sweet to your soul; if you find it, there is a future hope for you.”  I was doing a study…Continue Reading

Four Dangers of “Maybe”

Have you ever been leading a meeting and found yourself commenting on an idea or suggestion saying, “Yeah, maybe we should do that” but then move past it without any action steps?  “Maybe” is a dangerous word in the vocabulary of a leader.  It implies uncertainty, lack of direction, unclear priorities and indecision.  There are at least 4 reasons “maybe” is dangerous… It damages the execution process.  When the leader says “maybe” everyone has to wait until final…Continue Reading

Do You Know the Soul of Your Team?

It’s strange to me that some leaders work along side their team to expand the influence of the church, respond missionally to the community and share the life changing message of Jesus Christ, yet they aren’t aware of God’s work in each others souls.  We become so focused on our work for the souls of others that we forget to share the various aspects of our own spiritual journey with each other.  The soul is…Continue Reading

I Know That vs. I Do That

In today’s world we’re fortunate to be saturated with unlimited information on leadership and management.  If I have a perplexing leadership question, answers are one simple Google search away.  If I want to dig deep into a particular leadership concept, I’m almost guaranteed there’s a book for it. If I have enough money and time I can go from one conference to another collecting notebooks full of leadership insights. Finding the knowledge and information regarding…Continue Reading

Movement Makers

Yesterday I lead my final Small Group Directors meeting at Seacoast All Staff.  As I prayed about this final session God prompted me to focus on Nehemiah 8 and talk about being Movement Makers.  I share the session with you so you can use it with your team as well.  I opened by telling them about a video someone showed me from You Tube.  It shows a man standing in the middle of a field at an outdoor concert.  With hundreds of people sitting…Continue Reading