Equipping Leaders To Multiply

A Commonly Neglected Ingredient in Mentoring

As I was reading through 2 Timothy 1 it struck me that Paul told Timothy, ” I constantly remember you in my prayers.”  I don’t think he was simply praying, “God bless Timothy”.  Paul understood that Timothy was young and facing some pretty intense ministry pressure in Ephesus.  So undoubtedly he was praying for God to deepen Timothy’s courage, increase his leadership insights, expand his influence, and whatever else Timothy needed to exercise effective spiritual…Continue Reading

Win 2 Free Tickets to the Right Now Conference #RN10

Hey everybody, get ready because the Right Now Conference is coming up November 10-12 in Dallas, Texas and YOU may be able to go FREE!  Over 2500 leaders will gather for a powerful time of worship, speaking and discovering world changing opportunities.   I spoke there last year for the first time and was blown away by the commitment and vision of the Right Now team.   This is an amazing conference that will challenge and inspire…Continue Reading

The Power of Informality in Leadership Development

It’s highly likely that you’ve received some sort of formal training to do what you do.  If you’re a Pastor you probably went to seminary.  If you’re a Accountant you went to business school.  If you’re a Realtor you attended a Real Estate Course.  Formal training is valuable, but most organizations aren’t purposed to provide formal training.  That’s why we must work hard to create healthy informal training atmospheres.  In 1986 I went to work…Continue Reading

Develop Leaders This Week

Why wait for the next conference or training event to equip up and coming leaders when you could train them this week.  There are some extremely valuable development opportunities taking place in your organization this week and you may not even realize it.  What may look to you like boring ordinary meetings or events are actually exciting development opportunities for others.  Evaluation meeting, planning meeting, team meeting, management meeting, project meeting, one on one meeting,…Continue Reading

The Power of Leadership Development

As you are probably aware I spent last week in Togo Africa with Pioneers helping train a group of pastors and traveling to villages to assess their need for clean water.  While there I was amazed to see how the Pioneers team is taking the Gospel to unreached people groups in remote villages, plant churches and then raise up leaders in those villages to lead the church.  Through their work I witnessed the power of leadership development…Continue Reading