Equipping Leaders To Multiply

Breaking the Mold of Church Planter Training

Church Planting and Leadership Development are two of my favorite subjects.  And now in my new role at the Launch Network I get to bring those two passions together!  I’m excited to announce that we’re gearing up for Fall sessions at The West Ridge School of Church Planting and I want to warn you, we’re breaking the mold of traditional church planter training. We believe leadership development should be a highly relational process.  So through…Continue Reading

My New Journey

Through a God inspired moment in January (too long of a story to write about) Cindy and I sensed that God was up to something new in our lives.  We had no clue what it was but knew God was calling us to put ourselves in a fresh posture full surrender.  Over the next few months God began to impress on my heart the following lesson:  Moving into the purpose for which God has designed…Continue Reading

Learning the Benefits of Multi-site

My friend Sebastiaan Van Wessem came for a visit to Seacoast recently to learn more about multi-site ministry.  Sebastiaan is the lead pastor of Thousand Hills International Church in Hilversum, Netherlands.  This young pastor is one of the most teachable and hungry leaders I’ve ever meet, and God is using him to reach the lost in a very difficult territory.  Sebastiaan was one of the earliest members of our Leading Multisite Social Networking Community; when he heard about Seacoast mentor based approach to leadership…Continue Reading

Success Indicators for Church Planters

I had the opportunity recently to meet with Steve Pike, the Director of The Church Multiplication Network.  CMN, a Church Planting network of the Assemblies of God collaborates with church multipliers to effectively equip, strategically fund and network new faith communities. I asked Steve, who has a deep passion for Church Planting, to share what he feels are the top success indicators of a church planter.  Check out what he has to say in this short video interview.  You can…Continue Reading